Sunday, September 20, 2009

When the Husband's Away...

My husband is livin' la vita loca in Chicago this weekend and usually he is my filter (no water pun intended) before I launch into my blogging frenzy. Not having him around this weekend, I find myself not bereft of ideas, but swimming in a pool of topics (Say... that's another water pun!) So if I sound like my three year old - who manages to go from airports to dinosaurs to lollipops within a one-minute conversation - forgive me.

First of all, I've been drinking water out of the same glass all weekend while the hubby's been away. Not washing between drinks, I mean just refilling and gulping it down. Is that gross? It doesn't seem gross, but I'm open to your opinion. I'm pointing this out because it's got me thinking. Why the hell do I normally use a different glass every time I get thirsty or sit down to eat? Am I the only one who does this? Or the more ridiculous thing I'll do is I'll have a glass of water - WATER, okay? - and then I'll wash the glass like I've got Grace Jones standing behind me with a whip. I know my backwash isn't a river of gold, but do I really need to go to town on it like I've got the plague? No. So the new policy in my house is this: one day, one glass. If you break your glass or lose it, get a straw and find a puddle.

So, not only am I missing out on my husbands' stag weekend in Chi-town, but I was painfully reminded with a cackling speaker-phone call that my high school posse is together in New York this weekend. Of course, thanks to this blog and all the wonderful things I'm finding out about about "blue gold," I think I managed to buzz kill my way through the case of wine they'd likely already enjoyed. One mention of my friend's dishwasher and I went off to nerdville, telling them about the evils of bottled water and why they should be composting their trash and blah- blah-de-blah. Good Lord, Karen!!! But hopefully they're reading this so that I may redeem myself to them and anyone else who wants to hear my side of the story.

Here's the thing: I wasted so much time being oblivious to this issue that I get a little carried away when I start talking about it. Before I know it, I end up sounding like some old guy, shaking his fist at kids playing ring-and-run - complete with milky white saliva-goo gathered at each side of the mouth. I am sorry for getting that way - I realize it may annoy people. But I do need a favor. If you - whoever you are - read this blog, remember that you chose to read it instead of watching a sit-com or reading a novel. You wanted honesty. And here's the honest truth: if I can do these things, so can you.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it's annoying. I come to this blog by choice and I'm learning a lot of cool things. You've even got me consciously thinking about shorter showers (I'm not in the Navy shower mode yet) and not running the water while brushing my teeth or shaving.

    I will say that the old man shaking fist reference was plenty. I didn't need the milky white saliva-goo visual.
