Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Oh so sleepy this evening. I have so much to talk about that would just fascinate the pants off you - toilets, laundry, Bill Clinton - but I just don't think I can tonight. (You're wondering why I said Bill Clinton, right? See how I just stuck that in there so that maybe you would read tomorrow, hoping that I explain. Is my hook working?)

I will say that my steel cups from KleenKanteen came in today and boy oh boy, you'd think my son was the most deprived child on earth the way he freaked out when he saw his new cup. So excited. When does life stop being that way?

Anyway, we went to a party tonight, where I knew there would be bottled water. I was sure to bring out cups so that we would not be tempted to drink any bottled water, and it was fine. Hey, that wasn't difficult!

On the home front, the whole Navy shower is second nature now. I will say, however, that my shower has two knobs, one for hot and one for cold. I hate to be a whiner when there are so many people in the world deprived of so many necessities, but the two knobs are kind of a pain. I have learned to endure water of any temperature ranging from holy-pig-fart-my-teeth-are-going-to-freeze-cold to oh-my-lord-my-toenails-are-going-to-melt-hot, just so that I don't waste the water waiting for it to get to the perfect temperature. If you're redoing your bathroom and you are a navy showerer, then I recommend getting one of those things that you turn and then pop out, so it's always on the temperature you want it to be.

Did I actually use the word "fart" in this blog entry. I'm really tired...


  1. Hi Karen, great idea for a blog. Your 2 knob/water temperature story was hilarious! We've got a product that might help you with that problem. Its called the Green Choice™ Showerhead and its got a dial on the side that lets you turn water flow up and down. Its now available at Costco. Check out our website and let us know what you think ...

  2. Not only did you use the word "fart," but you used the phrase, "holy pig fart."

    I LLLLLLOVE IT! And I thought I'd heard everything!
