Sunday, September 13, 2009

Got 50 Cents?

The party was a success, even minus the bottled water. Go figure...

Now I feel comfortable spouting a few facts that I found that made me want to reverse the rotation of the earth to the days when we were happy just to sip water from a hose in the backyard and only people living in houses with columns out front would even consider buying their water.

Only a very shallow amount of research surfaced the fact that the EPA is in charge of regulating tap water and the FDA is in charge of bottled. So, I'm thinking, okay... government agency abbreviations - someone is on it - that's alls I needs to here! But then I read on (

"FDA does not require bottled water companies to disclose to consumers where the water came from, how it has been treated or what contaminants it contains."

Say that again?

"FDA does not require bottled water companies to disclose to consumers where the water came from, how it has been treated or what contaminants it contains...."

Okay... so what about tap water? You would think, same deal, right? Wrong.

"The Safe Drinking Water Act empowers EPA to require water testing by certified laboratories and that violations be reported within a specified time frame. Public water systems must also provide reports to customers about their water, noting its source, evidence of contaminants and compliance with regulations."

Being that I am only a budding nerd when it comes to all of this, I found this very enlightening. You would think that for all that money, they would be filtering it through halos. After all, if you chug your the recommended eight glasses a day from bottles, you could spend nearly $1,500 annually. The same amount of tap water would cost about 50 cents. ( Meanwhile, the FDA is swinging in the breeze? I don't know about you, but this is all I can handle for today.

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