Friday, September 11, 2009

I know it's only been a day, but turning the sink to half the pressure has not stopped the rotation of the earth like I thought it would. Even though less water is running out of the faucet, I don't find that I am taking any longer to wash my hands or a dish. All this strategy really needs is a good slogan, and I feel like everyone would do it. And imagine how much water we would save just by turning the pressure down to half every time you turn on the sink. I once saw a sticker on a paper towel dispenser that read, simply, "These are made from trees." Well, by gosh, I was sure not going to use my usual pile of towels thick enough to double as a mattress for a hobbit. So what is a good slogan to put above the sink? It's late, so there's no way I'm thinking of one right now - my only point is, this is simple.

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