Saturday, October 17, 2009

A New Whosamawhatsie for the Doohickey

Just when you thought everything was going to be okay because you turned off the faucet while brushing your teeth... I just read that 36 states in the US are anticipating water shortages by the year 2013.

I was thinking that my water saving techniques were getting a bit stale, so I thought I would look up some new ones, and I navigated to the Kohler website. I highly recommend it, because if you take this three question quiz and give your name, they will donate $1 in water-saving fixtures to Habitat for Humanity. An awesome idea. It takes all of about a minute.

I rent my apartment, so I am not able to do major work on the place, but I did watch a few of the videos on the Kohler site, and it mentioned that replacing the aerator on the sink faucets in the bathroom are a really easy way to save water. Duh! Why didn't I think of that. The only water-saving I had done today thus far was to tell my hubby to move his keester to the bathroom where he could stop up the drain (the drain in bathroom where he usually shaves does not seal up completely). As much as it's fun to get things done by ordering other people around, I think I can do my part and get MY keester over to the hardware store and buy one of those whosamawhatsies for the sink. You think they'll know what I mean?

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