Thursday, October 29, 2009


Sometimes, I know exactly what I want to say, but when I sit down to write, I have to be honest, I start to get really shy. Why? Well, frankly, I don't want you to think I'm gross. Really, that's the reason. I mean, here I am talking about peeing in the shower, not flushing the toilet, using corn water, yadda yadda... I mean, I know that I am reaching some people who are going to hit a point when they're going to verp (vomit-burp) at the thought of doing some of this stuff. Which brings me to today's post...

My back has been KILLING me lately (that's not the gross part, I'm just getting started). It's all this sitting on my fanny, writing all day, I know, I know. So, before I start to look like the hunchback of Notre Dame, I have decided that I am going to take a daily hot bath. Not like ooh ahh hot, I'm talking let's-cook-a-chicken-in-it hot. (Still not the gross part). So I took a bath (NO I didn't use corn water, Jeez!) by first giving my son a bath, then sending him to bed and then filling up rest of the tub with only hot water and taking my bath in that water.

Okay, so are you gagging? Are you reaching for the power button on your computer and opting for the more savory CSI episode with bloody corpses? Well, excuse me for being the grossest person you ever knew, but first of all, my back - at least for the moment - feels pretty good. And this got me thinking, given that I fill the tub every other evening for my kid, I really can't see draining it for any reason. I could conceivable bathe myself this way every night. I looked up other ways of using it and it turns out that some people actually use this water for their hand washing, which I think is an awesome idea ("Hey paw! Fetch that therrr washboard fu meh! I'm fixin to do a warrrrsh!") But the best idea I came across was using it to flush the toilet. eHow explains that you can dump the water in your toilet tank when you flush, but more sources are saying that you can pour the water directly in the bowl. Can someone out there explain this to me like they're talking to someone who say "potty" and not "toilet" because I don't get it. Wouldn't that just overflow the bowl. I really want to do this.

Okay, so the lesson in all this - Karen bathed in water that other people are using in their toilet. Great. I'm no longer afraid of you thinking that I'm gross. From now on, I'll just know that you do. Verp!


  1. Where are you my friend...I miss my daily water conservation lessons :-)

  2. I don't think you're so gross. Really, if you think about it, the point is to "rethink" water usage. We are so obsessed with being pristine, maybe we need to be a little less perfect. That said, I don't know if I'd wash clothes with used bath water. Seems like okay to keep the bodies bathing where bodies are bathing, but clothes get their own?
