Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Back in the Groove

How much attention should I give to the fact that I have not blogged for more than a month and then suddenly yesterday, appeared out of nowhere? How much thought should I even give it. I'm just wondering if anyone has been changing their habits and then suddenly, in the absence of this blog, decided, ah well, back to taking hour long showers and flushing the toilet every time I hock a lugie (Is that right? I've never had to spell that word before...).

Just so that you know, I have continued to be water conscious and tried to make a mental note every time I slipped up. I remember that I did buy one bottle of water in the airport on the way to New York for the holiday. I did bring our canteens, but as you know, they do not let you take any damn water though security. So while the prevent terrorism with what may be the dumbest security rule EVER, they are helping to dry up the earth and fill up the oceans with plastic. Well, it's a good thing we're not letting the terrorists hydrate! That'll show 'em!

While I was away from the blogosphere, I was actually also away from my home for part of the time. Being away from home is always interesting because I watch what other people are doing and desperately want to comment on little things done around the house to save water. I'm not sure why - maybe I'm just annoying in my approach, but I always find it interesting that I am met with such resistance. Is it guilt - like people don't even want to have to think about another thing that's doomed about the planet? Or is it that they think what I'm about to say is going to make what they do really difficult. I am willing to accept that maybe I'm not approaching it in the right way, but I have tried different ways. Any suggestions? Maybe put on an Al Gore mask? Or maybe wear a big bow in my hair and hold one of those large, colorful lolipops and talk like I'm a little kid so people think I'm cute. Or maybe I should just release some bees into the air... Hey, I'm open to suggestions.

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