Saturday, March 13, 2010


I'm on a writers retreat. Notice I said writers retreat and not "writing" retreat. Haven't done much writing as of yet, though there has been quite a bit of discussion that has been helpful. Lots of eating too, which is always welcome. Lots of running the water too. The water here is bloody freezing! Like the pipe it in straight off a penguin's ass. Yes, I'm in a cabin. Yes I'm in the woods. But can a girl get a luke warm drip of water? Anyway, without a watering can or bucket that I trust to be clean, I am watching lots of water go down the drain without a useful moment on this planet. My poor housemates are looking over their shoulders constantly trying to read my mind - as if I am thinking less of them for wanting to have feeling left in their hands after washing the dishes. I waited for the shower to heat up, making myself feel better by sticking my toothbursh under the showerhead instead of running the sink. Hey, it's something. Meanwhile, I think I saw a squirrel watching me through the window. He looked pissed. Sorry nature. Maybe I will put in the suggestion box that they should have buckets and watering cans for just this purpose. Might make the owners say, "hmmm." Might make them say, "what kind of UnAmerican crazies rented the cabin this weekend, anyway." Either way, it cant hurt. And at least now I can call this a "writing" retreat!


  1. We've been using buckets in our shower to catch the cold water for years. I think I would have a heart attack watching the cold water run down the drain. I feel your pain.

  2. Yes! Live and learn. Next time I'll know to pack my watering can! I thought I could do it with the sink water too, but I just couldn't watch it go down the drain. I have just gone ahead and dabbed my face with a freezing cold washcloth instead of wasting water. Icy!!! It was horrible, but at least it woke me up (and saved water!)
