Monday, February 1, 2010


I think we can officially say that all of you who read this blog, friends and strangers alike, know way more than you'd probably care to about my daily habits (and worries). Well, just when you thought I couldn't drag you in any further... here's one for you:

Last night, before bed, my husband was leaving the bathroom as I was going in and I started spraying my toothbrush with... gosh, I think my spray bottle needs a name - any suggestions? So I'm wetting the toothbrush and I said to Aaron, "Um, have you been using the spray bottle?" I knew he hadn't because, well, because of the way he looks at me when I do it!" He looks at me like a deer in the headlights (a look I don't see on his face that often), "I ration water when I do it. I ration it. I'm very careful. I really don't use that much." And the door closed with me standing there, spray bottle in one hand, toothbrush in the other. Looks like I have a new goal - Husband - meet spray bottle!

I will say, he's a little bit right, the spray bottle is a tough one (Don't tell him I said that!) Ever notice that if you don't use lots of water to rinse your mouth when you brush your teeth, your mouth feels even more disgusting than it did when you woke up? Well, I tried using the spray bottle to rinse my mouth instead of the sink. The spray bottle doesn't cut it.

I don't usually keep a cup in my bathroom for rinsing because inevitably, it gets really toothpasty, and I really don't want to use it more than once. I don't know why I can't bring myself to do it. Lord knows I use the same water glass for days on end to use fewer dishes and save water. But somehow, I always go back to either cupping my hand or putting my mouth right under the faucet (yes, I'm a lady). I know it's only a few drops, but I run the water so little in the bathroom now that I feel like the Thelma and Louise of water savers. "Keep Going!"

I do actually rinse my mouth with all natural mouthwash after I brush my teeth... so, when I run out this time, instead of recycling, I'm just going to fill it with water and use the cap to pour the bit of water that I need to rinse. No run off... no waste.

The person that I probably am going to be able to count on to get on board with this is the other man in my life: my son. I still have not used the spray bottle on him because of, once again, my worst enemy in all of this, HABIT! Two things I know about this... 1. The kid's gonna think this is hysterical, fun and a very important job (so important, I know he's going to insist on doing it himself) 2. This will become second nature to him.

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