Monday, February 8, 2010

Bottoms Up

Do you drink enough water? I don't. There, I said it. I am constantly behind on my water drinking, along with a million other things. Why is that? I don't always remember the world being after me to drink so much water. When did this start anyway. And who started it? My husband calls me "The Camel" because I seem to need so little of it. The truth is, it feels like a job to keep track of how many darn glasses I'm drinking. And hard as I tried to look for a reputable site to tell me all that 8 glasses of water a day stuff is for the birds (you know, all those birds who think they know everything), it looks like I'm out of luck. I just have to accept that I'm in the wrong. I have to do better...

As I try to turn over this new leaf, I do want to make a note for people like me who also are challenged in this area. Whenever I face this challenge by getting the biggest cup I have and filling it to the brim with water, I end up wasting it. It's nice for me to believe in myself to that extent, but I have to say, it doesn't work. Inevitably, the water sits there for a while, gets warm and unappealing and ends up getting tossed. Now, you know me, when I say tossed, that usually means the watering can or in a pot that needs to be soaked. But as much as I hate to admit it, it does sometimes end up in a place close to the sink that rhymes with pain.

So, the best thing to do, for those of you who are water challenged with me, is to pour smaller cups for yourself (or a smaller amount in a big cup, whatever...) and drink it all down before filling it back up. There's nothing like successfully finishing a glass of water, or knowing that you have put that water to good use... giving you the perfect excuse to ditch work for a much needed bathroom break!

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