Monday, August 31, 2009

What Goes Down Must Come Up?

Plumbers are in my bathroom right now because I put baby wipes down the toilet in the midst of a potty training plunder. Some advice: DON'T PUT WIPES DOWN THE TOILET. Well this experience not only put a dent in my bank account (and my dignity after trying to lie about how many wipes actually went down there. "Errr... four?" How was I supposed to know they would all come out still fully INTACT???) but also I am down a few gallons (I'm guessing) of water because of all of the "testing" that went into making sure the pipe was clear. This plumber did not look like the kind of person that I felt comfortable saying, "um, excuse me, but can you let that water run into this here watering can. She was hard at work and I stayed out of the way. I'm sorry guys, tomorrow's another day. Did anyone else do something to save water that will make up for this?

I did pick her brain about how much water my toilet was using and she said probably about 3 gallons. So I had her lower the water level in the tank. Hah! I just made that sound like it was my idea. SHE said she would lower the water level for me. Unfortunately, the toilet very old and is still using a lot of water. Needless to say, we're going to have to figure something out. Another new policy is about to go into effect. A flushing policy. What the policy is just yet, I can't say. I can't exactly tell my toddler that we don't flush the toilet when we pee, because other people might take offense. I'm going to have to get back to ya'll on this one. In the meantime, I have to go cry about how much this little experience has cost me (in dollars and water).

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