If you've got a filter, like me, yay for us. But what really happens after you take a few sips of the water you pour in your glass? Do you leave it on the kitchen table like me and start your day, only to find it there 8 hours later. You think I'm going to tell you to drink it like a good citizen, right? Well, if you're a better person than me, then drink up. I mean, honestly, you're right. It's not like a chicken leg, it doesn't go bad. But if you're anything like me, when you get home, the last think you want is an old glass of warm water.
So what do we lesser humans do? Got plants? Got a garden? Fill your watering can with it the water you don't drink. Fill your watering can with any water you don't use. Keep the watering can by the sink where you feel the most water gets wasted. In fact, keep one by every sink if you want. Believe me, your plants won't mind moldy water. And if they do, they can't say anything. Sucka's!
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